gthumb does seem a little hacky... in the default view i wasnt able to manually drag-and-drop pictures into a specific order...
i had to highlight them all and add to a catalog. then i went to the catalog in the left navigation pane and fiddled with the order. then i highlighted them all and rite-clik->copy and pasted the /path/to/filenames in
not sure what file navigator you use but
nautilus shows a thumbnail preview of pictures. when i get time, i'll try to hack together a nautilus-script that does this.
i created this script:
# copies the selected files to ~/carolus.txt
but unfortunately nautilus doesnt respect the order in which i select files:
[schneidz@hyper ~]$ cat carolus.txt
NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS = /home/schneidz/1.jpg /home/schneidz/2.jpg /home/schneidz/3.jpg
(i clicked on 3, 1 then 2).