Well..what do you know.Something I know something about.
Heres how you get it setup.Never used FLStudio but I use to setup wine to run Reaper to use as a vst host for drumsamplers and synths.
First download wine source code and patch it with rt patch.
The go to Steinbergs web site and sign up as a developer so you can download ASIO sdk. You will need that to compile Wineasio.
After you have both wine and wine asio taken care of you should be able to open FLStudio and choose wineasio as driver then use jack to route it.
I advice to compile wine with RT patch as It makes a lot of difference.I use Debian and its not hard to compile Wine with RT patch,just time consuming.I think some of the audio distros already have a rt patched wine.Dont know which off hand.
This is a guide for Reaper but same applies for FLStudio.
Also make sure you have jack setup for realtime . If it didnt add realtime to security limits you need to do that.Once again guide from jack audio how to do that.
Also I never heard of LuninuxOS but see its based on Ubuntu.
You could try adding KXStudio repo's to your source list and get wine rt and wine asio from them.
I dont know how far away from Ubuntu your distro is.Dont know If adding their repo's would cause conflicts.
KXStudio is a collection of applications and plugins for professional audio production.
KXStudio provides Debian and Ubuntu compatible repositories and its own Linux Distribution currently based on Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS.
EDIT:REad your 2nd post.Your doing something wrong then If you cant get it working in Ubuntu studio or KXstudio.All you should have to do in those 2 distros Is launch FLstudio go into settings and choose wineasio as driver.Those 2 distros do have wine asio.Kxstudio has a RT patched wine.Im pretty sure by default they are installed.if not look in the package manager for wineasio. No offence.its not the distros its error on your part somewhere.Are you sure you went into Qjackctl and adjusted settings??