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Old 07-17-2003, 02:53 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Wichita, KS
Distribution: Heavily modified Redhat
Posts: 194

Rep: Reputation: 30
Software suspend won't compile

My stepdad bitches at me whenever I leave my machine on, but I don't want to have to restart my machine every time I get home. When I had windoze 2000, I used the hibernate option. I found out that Linux sofware suspend could do about the same thing. However, whenever I try to enable software suspend in the kernel config, it gets all the way through the compile, but then complains that some functions were not defined (I cant remember exactly which ones, something with ide). Has anyone else had this problem?
I am using kernel version 2.4.14.

Slightly off topic:
How easy will it be to upgrade to 2.6 when it comes out? Is support for software suspend any better in the 2.5 series?


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