for filesharing i use giFT with giFTcurs as my interface, i use the OpenFT Gnutella and FastTrack plugins so i have a wider base of users than kazaa or similar windows programs
playing mp3 if you like a winamp style app then use xmms if your using redhat make sure to get the mp3 plugin as they are no longer allowed to bundle it or something like that but ive also heard very good things about rhythmbox
for video use mplayer
burning cds i use cdrecord which is console based but ive heard good things about k3b (never tried it though)
i think dvds should go through cdrecord or k3b you might search on for an app like that though
i dont do audio recording and midi so i dont know again search or
virus scanning tends not to be necessary search the forum for numerous discussions on it
the rest i dont know about for a personal database you might look into mysql?