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Old 06-17-2005, 05:26 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 71

Rep: Reputation: 15
Question Socket drivers won't load, then taking a kernel panic


My original installation is RedHat 9.

I've completed a build on kernel version 2.4.31 and am trying to boot it on
a system populated by 2.4.20-8. Here's what my grub.conf file looks like:

# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that
# all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /boot/, eg.
# root (hd1,0)
# kernel /vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/hdb2
# initrd /initrd-version.img
title Red Hat Linux (
root (hd1,0)
kernel /vmlinuz- ro root=LABEL=/
initrd /initrd-
title Red Hat Linux (2.4.20-8)
root (hd1,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.20-8 ro root=LABEL=/
initrd /initrd-2.4.20-8.img
title DOS
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

This gives me three choices on the GRUB boot screen -, 2.4.20-8, or my DOS partition, which resides on the slave IDE drive. It loads okay when I select the
2.4.20-8 kernel, but when I select my newly built kernel, I get the
following message at boot time:

NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0
ds: no socket drivers loaded!
VFS: Cannot open root device "LABEL=/" or 00:00
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 00:00

Now, I can see that I need the right tag for LABEL, but how do I find out the right thing to append to that line in grub.conf? Maybe it's not appropriate that the lines in the grub.conf
are identical between the entries referring to 2.4.20 and 2.4.31? I'm left to wonder.... I'm
assuming root is in the same place for both. Is there any way for me to verify this?

Anyway, I'm slugging away at this and if anyone can help me, it'd be really great.

Also, I'm sorta wondering if the "no socket drivers loaded" is symptomatic of the kernel
not loading, or is that a separate problem? if it's a separate problem, that's bad for me
because I was going to hack the sockets code for testing purposes. It's why I'm figuring out the kernel compile/install process to begin with.

Anyone out therewith any ideas?

Old 06-18-2005, 11:09 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: Montreal, Canada
Distribution: Slackware; Debian; Gentoo...
Posts: 2,163

Rep: Reputation: 46
about the socket error, you probably missed something in your kernel recompilation, search for "UNIX Socket Support".
About the root error... well, maybe you are missing support for your filesystem, maybe it is something else. I never understood the "LABEL=/" thing in /etc/fstab on RH (I never tried neither) but you might have something to ajust about it?


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