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Old 01-13-2009, 05:49 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 81

Rep: Reputation: 15
SMB/Samba not working with CIFS.

I have a SMB server using Samba running on a Slackware 11.0 x86 computer, every other computer on the network (six different computers) can mount the network resource with the trivial command:

smbmount // /mnt/mount_point
However, when I attempt to do this on a computer running a recent Slackware 12.2.0 (which is more recent than the rest of the computers, most of which run 11.0), I get:

mount error 13 = Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page ( mount.cifs)
This also happened recently on a laptop on which I also installed Slackware 12.2.0.

I have tried to search on internet search engines for an answer -- I found many others with similar issues, however with no proper answer, I also tried to study the man-page, the configuration file, I tried different commands, to no avail, how can I mount this resource? Why doesn't it work?
Old 01-14-2009, 11:11 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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SMB is now depreciated, new Samba installations are supposed to be using CIFS. While I can't say for sure (I don't have a Slackware 11 machine to test on), my first thought would be that the Slackware 11 package for Samba is not configured for CIFS, or at least, it just isn't enabled. Not necessarily something that is Slackware-specific, but just something that was handled different in the older Samba releases.

My first step would be to try manually mounting the share as SMB rather than CIFS with a command like:

mount -t smbfs // /mnt/mount_point
If that works, then you know there is a problem with the CIFS implementation on the server. At this point your choices would be to simply use SMB (which is slower and not as flexible), or get CIFS working. The best way to get CIFS working would be to upgrade Samba on the server, but for that you are going to have to build a new version and that might be more trouble than it is worth to you.
Old 01-14-2009, 02:20 PM   #3
Registered: Aug 2008
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Originally Posted by MS3FGX View Post
SMB is now depreciated, new Samba installations are supposed to be using CIFS. While I can't say for sure (I don't have a Slackware 11 machine to test on), my first thought would be that the Slackware 11 package for Samba is not configured for CIFS, or at least, it just isn't enabled. Not necessarily something that is Slackware-specific, but just something that was handled different in the older Samba releases.

My first step would be to try manually mounting the share as SMB rather than CIFS with a command like:

mount -t smbfs // /mnt/mount_point
If that works, then you know there is a problem with the CIFS implementation on the server. At this point your choices would be to simply use SMB (which is slower and not as flexible), or get CIFS working. The best way to get CIFS working would be to upgrade Samba on the server, but for that you are going to have to build a new version and that might be more trouble than it is worth to you.
Thanks for the idea but I had already tried that (including other commands, such as giving it various user names with associated passwords), to no avail -- same error as written in the start of the topic.
Old 01-14-2009, 02:29 PM   #4
Registered: Dec 2004
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Can't speak for slackware as I haven't used slackware in a few years. But on my CentOS 5.1 servers I have the following samba software installed


the samba-client package provides /sbin/mount.cifs

I have a samba mount to a windows machine using a credentials file. You can also do it via command line either way

mount.cifs //location/to/windows/share/ /mnt/foldername -o user=username,password=password

username and password would be an account on the domain or the windows machine

I also use it this way with the credentials file

mount -t cifs -o credentials=/path/to/credentialsfile //location/to/windows/share/ /mnt/foldername

Or the 3rd way would be to add it to /etc/fstab

//windows-server/mount /mnt/folder cifs credentials=/path/to/credentialsfile 0 0

credentials file would be:


again, not sure if this will work on slackware but its how I mount cifs mounts on a CentOS box.


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