Good point.
I worked through a problem of no sound in headset and no mic reception.
Used the link below for terminal commands to link system to headset:
usermod -Gaudio username
chown username /dev/dsp
chmod 666 /dev/dsp
Entering these commands (replacing username) turned on the mic reception.
I also used 'alsaconf' command to have the sound system reconfigure itself just in case that wasn't working.
'Alsamixer' to ensure all mics were turned on and not muted (often they are off there, when not always so in Kmix mixer... certainly some were off that were on in mixer and may have stoppped it working).
Turned off repeating of my voice coming into the headset. And reboot Linux to let all changes take. Behaved quite different following reboot.
One side issue it has created is losing most of the volume in UrbanTerror game. Also needed to change VLC player, as it stopped playing sound thru normal speakers and always into the Skype headset after the changes lol. So I think everything defaults now to Skype USB headset, hence new problem with game sound. If app has ability to reconfigure then fine, otherwise bit stuck!
Hope that helps clarify.
Originally Posted by jlinkels
Please tell us what the problem was an how it was resolved. That helps other members of the community which might have a similar problem.