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Old 10-16-2004, 01:36 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 51

Rep: Reputation: 15
Sharing UT2004 installation across linux and windows

Right now I'm trying to figure out how I can only have 1 copy of UT2004 installed for both linux and windows. I have a lot of mods but not a ton of hardrive space so this is a big issue for me.

Here's what I've done so far. First, I setup a FAT32 partition that both Mandrake (10.1) and WindowsXP (SP2) can see. Then I moved my Windows installation from my old NTFS partition to the new FAT32 one. This version was already patched all the way, but to get the linux executables, I then applied the latest linux patch. So now I have ut2004.exe and ut2004-bin.

Running ut2004-bin wasn't working because it couldn't find my cdkey (in windows it's stored in the registry so that wasn't copied over). Luckily some googling revealed that it simply stores it in a file called ut2004/system/cdkey, so I created that file, put my cdkey in it, and bam, I had working ut2k4 in linux!

...almost. The sound doesn't work I've tried tons of different solutions I've found online, but none have worked and I can't help wondering if I'd be having this sound problem if I'd just done the straight linux install. I turned up all my volumes. Then I ran alsamixer and unmuted everything and turned up those volumes. Still no luck. I'm using nforce2 onboard sound.

Oddly enough, when I run ut2004-bin no log file is created in ut2004/system, so it's especially hard for me to diagnose the problem >_< I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the FAT32 filesystem not supporting something ut2004 wants to do.

Thanks for the help,

Old 10-17-2004, 04:39 AM   #2
Registered: Oct 2003
Distribution: Knoppix
Posts: 103

Rep: Reputation: 15
OK, some things to try:

*First*, make sure UT2004-bin isn't using your home directory for files. Check to see if ~/.ut2004/ exists. If it does, your log/config files will likely be in there.

Check to see what sound device is being used. I have
in my UT2004.ini file.

Try "./ut2004-bin -log"

If all else fails, something to try could be to install Linux UT2004 normally, then just create links to the actual files.


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