sharing CUPS printer between Linux machines
I'm trying to share an HP printer between several Linux computers, all running RH9. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get the sharing to work. I'm trying to proof the sharing on two computers: A and B.
First, the printer is an HP printer locally installed to the parallel port on computer A.
Although I added the local printer queue on computer A using redhat-config-printer,
I didn't use redhat-config-printer to share the printer - I've seen reports that the software is somehow broken. So I'm trying to add the printer by hand.
On Computer A, I've added the following information to /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, and restarted cupsd.
<Location /printers/ComputerAPrinter>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow From All
Allow From
AuthType None
Browsing On
BrowsePort 631
BrowseAllow from IP.Add.for.CompB
BrowseAddress IP.Add.for.CompB
Listen IP.Add.for.CompB:631
On Computer A, I've also poked a hole in the firewall and restarted iptables.
This is the line from iptables:
-A RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT -p udp -m udp -s IP.Add.for.CompB/24 --source-port 631 -d
IP.Add.for.CompB/24 --destination-port 631 -i eth0 -j ACCEPT
On Computer B, redhat-config-printer was used to add a networked CUPS(IPP) printer
with IP.Add.for.CompA as the server located at /printers/ComputerAPrinter
Also on Computer B, I poked a hole in the firewall and restarted iptables. This is the line from iptables:
-A RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT -p udp -m udp --source-port 631
--destination-port 631 -j ACCEPT
Printing on Computer A is fine - no problems.
When I try to print on Computer B, I get a message "Connecting to IP.Add.for.CompA on port 631...". After 30 seconds, the message changes to "Network host 'IP.Add.for.CompA' is busy; will retry in 30 seconds...", etc etc.
Does anybody have an idea of what I missed in this setup?