shared library question
I'm still bit of a newbie so please bear with me.
I have RH7.0 installed. Based on the most recent CERT advisories I really want to upgrade my sendmail. Since RH 7.0 is no longer supported I'm on my own.
I have rolled my own kernel, which seems a lot easier than compiling sendmail from scratch (imagine that). I gave build sendmail a try and had a bunch of problems. I am still working on that angle.
What I also tried to do is install a more recent version of sendmail as a RPM from Redhat. What I've discovered is that it has a bunch of dependencies on shared libraries that I don't have or the ones I have are older ones. I can certainly install/update these, but I was wondering, if I do that do I break something else on my system? Or do shared libraries get called by their version number? Or are, shared libraries, usually backwards compatible?
Any thoughts? Places I can learn more?