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Old 04-26-2014, 10:23 PM   #1
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Server based group photo management

Hello all,

I've started looking for some group photo management software. I've used programs such as Google's Picasa, DigiKam, KphotoAlbum, etc but those are designed for one user. I wanted to be able to let my wife and kids view/tag/comment, etc. So I started searching and reading and found so mentioning of Digital Asset Management software, an example being ResourceSpace.

So I'm downloading and installing and trying some out but I don't see an easy way to get thousands of pictures "into" something like that. I don't want to spend weeks "uploading" pictures. I really need something like kphotoalbum or digikam that I can simply point to my /Pictures and let it display them and figure them out.

So I've looked at ResourceSpace and found another called daminion. I'm looking for other suggestions/ideas.

I have the normal LAMP server already running a coupe things. Online (Photobucket, Picasa, etc) is a no go due to the amount of pictures I have (over 100G) as the cost to pay for storage per month/year if just too great.

I just want to move my pictures off my laptop onto my server but display in something more than just a file share as even local it takes minutes just to browse the folders now.
Old 04-27-2014, 02:19 AM   #2
John VV
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on an Apache install i always liked "Gallery"
it integrates into most CMS's

php based and integrated into mysql / mariadb


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