Serious gDesklets problem
Okay, I compiled gDesklets and installed it last night and I couldn't get it to work for anything, so I found an RPM of it. My first installation was put under /usr/local/share/gDesklets. My new installation is under /usr/share/gDesklets.
I Installed Sensors with no error, and also installed Displays with no errors, but when I go to run a display, that's when i have a problem. I have the PsiPackage and StarterBar installed.
I get two different errors when running Displays:
When trying to start one of the Psi Displays, here's what I get"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/gdesklets/factory/", line 75, in create_sensor
sensor = module.new_sensor(args)
File "./Theme/", line 112, in new_sensor
def new_sensor(args): return apply(Theme, args)
File "./Theme/", line 31, in __init__
for a in output[0].split():
IndexError: list index out of range
Then, "The Display contains invalid data and could not be loaded"
When trying to start the StarterBar Display, here's what I get"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/gdesklets/factory/", line 75, in create_sensor
sensor = module.new_sensor(args)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'new_sensor'
Then, the same message as above.
I am running the latest version 0.30 I believe is the version
Help is appreciated