i have got sendmail installed and just installed mailscanner and spamassin with f-prot and clamav for virus scanning, using slack 9.1 for OS
i had to make the change to my sendmail start up to this from the install instrucs for mailscanner
sendmail -bd -OPrivacyOptions=noetrn -ODeliveryMode=queueonly -OQueueDirectory=/var/spool/mqueue.in
sendmail -q15m
taken from
Currently, your copy of sendmail will be started by a script such as /etc/init.d/mail or /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail. Somewhere in this script will be the command to start sendmail itself. This should look like this:
sendmail -bd -q15m
You should change this to the following two lines:
sendmail -bd -OPrivacyOptions=noetrn -ODeliveryMode=queueonly -OQueueDirectory=/var/spool/mqueue.in
sendmail -q15m
This first starts the copy of sendmail that provides SMTP service, building the work queue for MailScanner. It then starts the copy of sendmail that delivers the output from MailScanner.
i found that sendmail is starting from /etc/rc.d/rc.sendmail
so i edited my file to look like this
# Start/stop/restart sendmail.
# Start sendmail:
sendmail_start() {
if [ -x /usr/sbin/sendmail ]; then
echo "Starting sendmail MTA daemon: /usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-mta -bd -q15m"
/usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-mta -bd OPrivacyOptions=noetrn
-ODeliveryMode=queueonly -OQueueDirectory=/var/spool/mqueue.in
/usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-mta -q15m -OQueueDirectory=/var/spool/mqueue
echo "Starting sendmail MSP queue runner: /usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-msp-queue -Ac
/usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q15m
# Stop sendmail:
sendmail_stop() {
killall sendmail
# Restart sendmail:
sendmail_restart() {
sleep 1
case "$1" in
used 2 be
# Start/stop/restart sendmail.
# Start sendmail:
sendmail_start() {
if [ -x /usr/sbin/sendmail ]; then
echo "Starting sendmail MTA daemon: /usr/sbin/sendmail -L
sm-mta -bd -q25m"
/usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-mta -bd -q25m
echo "Starting sendmail MSP queue runner: /usr/sbin/sendmail -L
sm-msp-queue -Ac -q25m"
/usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q25m
i took out the last bits to keep thred short...
but looking at the running processes i see sendmail running as
596 root 19:46 sendmail: Queue runner@00:15:00 for
597 root 19:46 sendmail: Queue runner@00:15:00 for
and not using the mqueue.in folder i need.
have i edited my start up script, infact the right one?
many thanks