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Old 12-16-2014, 05:18 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2012
Posts: 50

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sendData in "location aided routing" (LAR protocol) in NS2

I am using the LAR code for NS2.32 (basically LAR scheme 1) . There is a thread related to this protocol on this site , i referred the follwing link

In box.tcl , for sending the data , the following lines are their:

# the format now for the lar send is
# "$nodeId sendData <dest ID> <size> <method>"
# this will be used to test in a static configuration, and will
# change once the mobility portion is figured out.
#Schedule events

puts "Scheduling the send events"
for {set k $val(dataStart)} {$k < $val(dataStop)} {set k [expr $k + 0.25] } \
$ns_ at $k "$g(0) sendData 49 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0001] "$g(1) sendData 48 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0002] "$g(2) sendData 47 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0003] "$g(3) sendData 46 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0004] "$g(4) sendData 45 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0005] "$g(5) sendData 44 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0006] "$g(6) sendData 43 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0007] "$g(7) sendData 42 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0008] "$g(8) sendData 41 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0009] "$g(9) sendData 40 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0010] "$g(10) sendData 39 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0011] "$g(11) sendData 38 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0012] "$g(12) sendData 37 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0013] "$g(13) sendData 36 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0014] "$g(14) sendData 35 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0015] "$g(15) sendData 34 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0016] "$g(16) sendData 33 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0017] "$g(17) sendData 32 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0018] "$g(18) sendData 31 64 B"
$ns_ at [expr $k + .0019] "$g(19) sendData 30 64 B"

I am not getting the purpose of this sendData and where it is defined . i searched , on the google also but i didnt get any info.
Could you please tell me .

According to my understanding , we have to attach CBR sources to send the data with LAR agents. plz correct me and tell me about this.
Old 12-16-2014, 09:40 AM   #2
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LAR ...

* You could try asking @billyfuad.


lar, ns2

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