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Old 03-26-2014, 05:12 AM   #1
Registered: Jan 2010
Posts: 82

Rep: Reputation: 1
scp from linux to windows machine through cygwin not working

Hi All,

I am facing issue in coping files with scp from linux to windows through cygdrive. Please go through the below problem description.

When I try to copy files from Linux machine using below command, it says no such file or directory, while the file is exists at the location.

scp tmp.txt Yogesh@paravai:/cygdrive/c/temp
I tried to copy file using below command.

scp tmp.txt Yogesh@paravai:\cygdrive\c\temp
The files gets copied at my home directory with "cygdrivectemp" name. while expected result is file should gets copied at \cygdrive\c\temp with tmp.txt name.

Also when I am doing scp from cygwin file gets copied successfully.

scp root@hostname:/tmp/tmp.txt .
When I Google it I found that this might be because of git repository executables were used instead of cygwin. I have installed sshd on cygwin.

I know I can copy files with winscp but for some reason I have a requirement of cygwin and test few more things in cygwin.

Please help me to resolve this as I this is very urgent.


Last edited by yogesh_attarde; 03-26-2014 at 05:14 AM.
Old 03-26-2014, 07:30 AM   #2
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The command
scp tmp.txt Yogesh@paravai:\cygdrive\c\temp
is subject to interpretation by the shell in which it is executed. The actual command will be interpreted as
scp tmp.txt Yogesh@paravai:cygdrivectemp
which causes the creation of the file that you observed.
scp tmp.txt Yogesh@paravai:\\cygdrive\\c\\temp\\
Old 03-27-2014, 06:17 AM   #3
Registered: Jan 2010
Posts: 82

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 1
Thanks Allend for your reply.

I've traced the bulk of my problems to be a result of the installation of MSYSGit that is on the system. It has its own set of Unix-like utilities that do not play well with Cygwin.

As a first step, I went onto paravai and inserted a c:\cygwin64\bin in front of c:\Program Files\Git\bin in the PATH variable.

This fixed almost all of my problems with respect to paths being interpreted correctly from the Unix utilities.



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