i have this huge problem with this particular distro, after every update (including the kernel) my nvidia driver - module freezes and restarts only in text mode, i`ve tried everything, recompiling the kernel, following the howto lines carefully with the kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux-*** where the *** is the code for the new kernel for example 2.6.5- or something like it, 7-108,
also tried to compile the new kernel with the make cloneconfig and make prepare-all also suggested by nvidia, and nothing, i cannot get the damn driver to work, or the nvidia module, sax2 whatever crashes !
the only thing i got to work is to use the old sources, those from /usr/src/linux, without the 3d option enabled - it`s really frustrating - i cannot update my suse 9.1 at all
i`m not attaching , due to word count limitations, my SaX.log file, maybe some better linux user can help me,
mancas@yahoo.com will be a good place to reach me in short time...messenger included...
please help!