Samba Permissions Problem
Hey all,
Here's my problem. Samba is currently prompting for a login no matter what. I can not see the shares unless I've first logged in. Then I can see them. This is not how I want it to run. What I want is for the share to be seen and accessible by everyone but in read only mode. Then I want to be able to log in as Administrator and get write access to the share.
My first try was using security = share. This did one thing. No one had to log in and could see shares. But it was always read only and after a few hours I could not get write access only for Administrator.
So I switched security = user. Now when I log in I have write access but everyone else has to log in just to see the shares which isn't what I wanted.
Here's my current smb.conf
I'm running Samba 3.0.8 under Fedora Core 3
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2004/11/11 19:45:22
# Global parameters
server string = Linux Server
interfaces = eth1
preferred master = Yes
ldap ssl = no
write list = root, administrator, Administrator
path = /Data
admin users = root, administrator, Administrator
guest ok = Yes