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Old 01-03-2005, 09:22 AM   #1
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Japan
Distribution: REDHAT9.0, Mandrake10.1
Posts: 404

Rep: Reputation: 31
SAMBA installation!

I can perform the function of SAMBA server on my linux pc with
which is distributed in redhat9.0. But when updating the samba
rpm, I always have troubles. First, I use delete the samba package
by using rpm -e samba. Secondly, I download the samba-latest package
from and install it by "cd source", "./configure", "make",
"make install". Finally, I use rpm -qa samba, I can get nothing in prompt.
I can not understand the reason for this failure installation.
Can you tell me why? I also appreciate the correct installation method
for samba package! Thank you!
Old 01-03-2005, 11:08 AM   #2
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: South London
Distribution: Gentoo.
Posts: 297

Rep: Reputation: 30
If I understand you correctly, you downloaded the new source, compiled it(make) and installed it (make install). Provided the 'make install" had no errors, you do not have to do anything else - it's are not using an RPM (a package).

It is fine to compile from source if you want, but if you are a noob, I suggest using packages if you can - it's far easier. You should be able to find RPMS for your distro via google.



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