samba domain logon problem in suse
i have just installed suse for the first time and so far i think it is great, only just one problem so far and most users wouldnt even use it so this may be a hard question to find an answer to!
all my computers are on a network with a domain controller, my server is running on slackware 10 acting as the PDC (Primary Domain Controller), non of my windows machines (98, ME, 2000, XP and Longhorn) have any trouble loging onto it.
when i first installed suse 9.1 i think or is it 9.0, well any way like every time i install a new OS i have a fiddle about with things see what their is and what i can do. in YaST i found the samba setup tool, i askes you to put your windows workgroup/Domain into a text box which i did fine, and then below that their is a check box whis somthing like tick to authenticate logon by domain workgroup. so i ticked it. then when i go to the logon screen it looks as if it is going to work as it lists all the domain users in the format of "domain_name\user_name" so i click on a user and enter the password for that account and no matter what account i logon with i get an error message, i arnt on the suse box right now so i cant remember what it said so i will put it on when i am on it again soon. but it does detect the domain and all the users so it does work to an extent.
as i say as not many users will use this function it may be hard to answer but knowing my look it will be the simplest thing lol
thanks in advance for any help that might be given on this subject