Righto, we have a RH 7.2 server running samba 2.2.7, and a Gentoo client trying to mount the shares. As many users have experienced, umlauts and other special characters are just bonkers. Google was a pal, but it didn't help all that much, so here are the key options in smb.conf and in /etc/fstab.
/etc/fstab on the client:
//mask/reid /mnt/www/reid/ smbfs auto,user,rw,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=cp850,credentials=/root/maskcred 0 0
//mask/tmp /mnt/www/tmp/ smbfs auto,user,rw,credentials=/root/maskcred 0 0
I found that iocharset and codepage option stuff on these forums, and I'm just guessing that's the way it should be.
smb.conf on the server:
character set = iso8859-1
client code page = 850
I believe that those are the relevant bits.
This is really driving me crazy, because I can't load all of these files over samba into my media manager with these broken filenames. An upgrade and NFS are not options yet.