Hi all,
first the actual problem. I've been looking for an image viewer for EL6 that will display a png file and automatically reload it every 5 seconds. There seem to be a number of candiates. First I used display from imagemagick with with the -update option but found a massive memory leak that will fill 8 Gigs of ram/swap in 24 hours or so. In hunting for a replacement I found that feh works perfectly on a Debian machine but that it is not in the standard Scientific Linux 6 repos.
So, I'm trying to find a reliable yum repo that provides the image viewer feh for CentOS/SL/RHEL 6. My usual starting place for finding such repos is
http://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResources/Repositories. None of the repos in the "Community Approved Repositories" section provide it, nor can I find it in any of the "Other Third Party Repositories".
A feh package does seem to be at repoforge, but the CentOS wiki page I link to above has it listed as a "Known Problem Repository" and states " Although once recommended, this repository is no longer maintained, and is not advised."
I tried enabling repoforge and installing feh on a virtual machine and it needs to pull in giblib from repoforge and imlib2 from epel. I'm considering going ahead with this and then immediately disabling repoforge.
Does anyone know of a better place to get feh or has any advice on using repoforge? Or alternatively knows of an image viewer that is available for EL6 and will perform as I need.
Please note that this is for a cluster of production workstations that are on an internal network.