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Old 11-12-2008, 09:41 AM   #1
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Registered: Dec 2005
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rtorrent - unable to write to nfs directories

I have rtorrent running on a headless machine, and am in the process of downloading many Gb's worth of iso's. Because I wish to maintain a decent ratio, I am quickly running out of room on the headless machine for subsequent downloads.

I have various other machines' exports mounted via NFS, and there are no problems writing to these directories, eg. via mkdir, cp, mv, touch, etc.

However, when I attempt, via rtorrent, to download directly into these directories, I get messages such as:

Could not create directory '/mnt/<machine_name>/path/to/download_directory/filename_etc: no such file or directory
Strangely, rtorrent is able to create the proper download directory (though it *claims* in the error message that it can't) - it just errors out when attempting to create the file(s).

According to the rtorrent wiki, all files created have a umask = 0022, so I don't see that this is an issue.

I'm stumped.
Old 11-13-2008, 02:02 AM   #2
Registered: Aug 2003
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What are your nfs mount options? Does the owner of the files on the nfs server have the same uid and gid as the user on the headless machine? If they're different you might have to do some mapping to make them work properly.
Old 11-13-2008, 07:20 AM   #3
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Rep: Reputation: 277Reputation: 277Reputation: 277
Thank you for your input.

The uid on the mounts is identical (that would be me)
The gid's depend....

However, before I begin experimenting with altering the gid's, I must say that it doesn't make 'sense' that the gid would have any effect, since the uid's are identical...

For the record, the mount options are thus:



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