Hi All,
I have a "question for 100 points". Person which help me to solve it, will get virtual beer from me
On RedHat 5 I`m trying to build a Zabbix(monitoring) binary packages.
I have downloaded latest src.rpm package and extracted with "rpm -i".
Afterwards I executed command(see below) and I got missing dependencies problem.
-bash-3.2$ rpmbuild -bb ./zabbix.spec
error: Failed build dependencies:
libssh2-devel >= 1 is needed by zabbix-2.4.2-1redhat.x86_64
It seems that to build Zabbix binaries I need to have
libssh2-devel installed with version higher than 1. The problem is that in Red Hat repo, the latest version is 0.6.18 and I`m not allowed to use packages from external repos. What should I do in this case ?
Is it possible to build rpm package without updating libssh2-devel (using external repos) to version >1 ? If yes, how to do it ?
In Zabbix repo I saw packages for Red Hat 5 builded using libssh2-devel. It seems that somebody connected some how that dependencies and build the package. But how ?
Anybody knows ?