RPM package during install can or cannot define the install location?
1. The RPM package software example: mplayer. During install mplayer by RPM package can i define a location of this software?example i want my mplayer install to this directory /opt/mplayer , how to do it? and what command should be use to this. The Tar installation file can easy to define a installation location,example: ./configure --enable-gui --prefix=/opt/mplayer .What command or method to lets me choice my installation target directory install by RPM package?
2. i already install this mplayer RPM package, i using this command: #rpm -ivh mplayer*.rpm . Than may i know this software where the location(directory) to install already by default? in /usr or some where?????include all configuration mplayer files like at /root/.mplayer ,so HOW TO KNOW JUST NOW I INSTALL THIS PACKAGE THAN THE ALL FILES LOCATION????
Thank you very much...