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Old 12-04-2007, 09:48 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2006
Distribution: kernal 2.6.20-1 2948.fc6 LC2210D
Posts: 48

Rep: Reputation: 15

I just tried to play .midi file and it won't work. I then tried to play an mp3 someone mailed me and it doean't work. I then tried to get a radio station (wumb @24kb) and doesn't work. It says I may need codexcs? Is this a good player or should I look elsewhere because so far it does NOTHING. THANKS...I am newbie so if you can find the time to help can you be SPECIFIC as to how and where to download dependecies or whatever. Running fedora core 6.
Old 12-04-2007, 12:30 PM   #2
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This article may help you.
Old 12-04-2007, 12:35 PM   #3
Mega Man X
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Hi madwac!

Rhythmbox is a great player. The problem here is not the player itself, but the mp3 format. As you know, mp3-format is a patented format. Mixing things completely free(as Linux) with things that are not (like mp3 and codecs) are usually a problem. MP3 has been removed from Redhat since 8.0 if my memory serves me right.

However, you as an end-user should care more how to actually have mp3 support on your distribution right . Check the FedoraFAQ:

The "How do I play MP3s in Fedora?" is the part you might want to look first. I am not sure if Rhythmbox plays midi files. It does not in my box. When I have to play a midi file in Linux, I use my own tool written in Java, jmidi, which you are welcome to use:

Usage: java -jar jmidi <filename.mid>

If you find a way to play midi in Rhythmbox, let me know.

Best Regards!


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