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Old 07-25-2005, 12:23 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: 0
rhn_register issue

Good day,

Linux newbie here... setting up a RHEL 3 box... I am trying to update my system, but am having some troubles with up2date.

I have a managed subscription on the side, and it shows I have a few hundred updates for my system. However, at my server, the up2date seems fubar'd. I run rhn_register, and get the following traceback:

'Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/rhn_register", line 1174, in ?
sys.exit(main() or 0)
File "/usr/sbin/rhn_register", line 484, in main
File "", line 100, in writeUp2date
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'firstUsedLine' referenced before assignment
[root@localhost bin]# rhn_register
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/rhn_register", line 1174, in ?
sys.exit(main() or 0)
File "/usr/sbin/rhn_register", line 484, in main
File "", line 100, in writeUp2date
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'firstUsedLine' referenced before assignment

If I click on the up2date alert icon and say to launch up2date, it tells me my password is invalid, without giving me a chance to input my pw.

Will I need to "re0install" up2date? Is there a better way?


Old 07-27-2005, 06:28 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: United Kingdom
Distribution: Fedora Core 9
Posts: 141

Rep: Reputation: 15

Which version of Redhat are you using? I had the same problem with Redhat 9. I'm kinda thinking that because now they are mainly into the Enterprise Linux that they are not supporting the older types. I know that the Fedora version of Linux is able to update....
Old 07-28-2005, 10:50 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 3

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0

I am using Red Hat EL 3 AS...

Fixed the problem the other day... basically, stopped the rhnsd service removed the rhn RPM's (rhn_applet and rhn_register, I believe), and re-installed them.

I also had to go into Red Hat Network, remove my system and re-register once I had everything working again...

One thing of note... after i did my initial re-install, I had an SSL certificate error, but that was due to a version conflict on the certificate... but that was easily corrected using instructions found on google and elsewhere...


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