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Old 08-29-2003, 01:26 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 18

Rep: Reputation: 0
Exclamation RH9 + Mozilla + Java


Hm - just downloaded j2re-1_4_2-linux-i586.rpm.bin from suns hp.

did a 'sh <filename>', and luckily i got a rpm-file

threw a 'rpm -i <filename>', and it seemed to install it without any errors. But when i enter a page with java:

"" gives me this silly puzzle, and when i press it, it says the same plugin-error as before:

"This page contains information of a tpe (application/x-java-vm) that can only be viewed with the appropriate Plug-in."

Gah! What to do, you o' mighty quick-answering board :P

// Yoc
Old 08-29-2003, 01:33 PM   #2
Registered: May 2003
Location: Mt. Prospect, Illinois
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The catch on Java... is the deal. First, if Mozilla 1.2.1 is on RH9, which I think it is, you shouldn't install 1.4.2 on it as it is compiled on a different compiler. At least I think that is true, unless they are providing another plug-in file for it now.

So I would uninstall the rpm.

I have not ever had any trouble with this method.

Get the 1.4.1 version. Run the script (no rpm) from your install directory (I use /usr/local). After it installs, it's a simple matter of making a symbolic link to the plug-in file (can't remember the name but it's written in the installation instructions in your /usr/lib/Mozilla-1.2.1/plugin directory. DO NOT COPY THE FILE....make a sybolic link.

This has worked every time and if it's installed properly, when you look at "help-plugings" from Mozilla, the Java should be listed.

Java has been a problem because of different versions of Mozilla compiled with different version of GCC. If you have 1.2.1 provided by Red was compiled using GCC 2.95.

I hope that helps...

Good luck
Old 08-29-2003, 01:49 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 18

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
Hey Bob,

Hmm, thanks... I just have some Questions (others may answer too, ofcause) :

1: How do i uninstall an RPM?
*oh - using rpm -e ... But, well.. It sais that it isnt installed??*
2: Where do i find the old version? Can u supply an URL? Cant find it at suns site.
3: When u say 'Run the script' - do you then mean the './configure' thing? If so, i suppose i should out the source into /usr/src and do the configuration with './configure -prefix==/usr/bin', aye?
4: How is it i make a symbolic link?

PS: I use the version of Mozilla shipped with RH9 (v.1.2.1)

A lots of questions from a newbie

// Yoc

Last edited by Yocal; 08-29-2003 at 01:51 PM.
Old 08-29-2003, 01:55 PM   #4
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Rochester, MN, U.S.A
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I have been trying to install java on mozilla 1.4 for several days. I have tried many different versions, nothing seems to be working. I believe I have been symbolicly linking it properly.

I am starting to think I have not installed the right version of java. What is the difference between 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 ? Is the 1.4 refering to the mozilla it goes with.
Old 08-29-2003, 04:36 PM   #5
Registered: Aug 2003
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 255

Rep: Reputation: 35

hope this helps!
Old 08-29-2003, 04:36 PM   #6
Registered: May 2003
Location: Mt. Prospect, Illinois
Distribution: Fedora Core 2, SuSE 9.1 Professional
Posts: 189

Rep: Reputation: 30
OK...sorry about that...I was out for a while. I also have to say sorry in advance because I am 2000 miles away from home and am on a....AHHHH....Windows machine!!!

The URL is:

You will see where you can download the various versions.

I would NOT use an RPM. Download the shell scripted version (you can see from the chart).

The version number is the Java number...any version looking like the Mozilla version is a coincidence.

If you read the installation instructions, do what it says. You don't need source and you don't need the SDK if you just want Java to work. Just get the Runtime Standard Edition.

If I recall you just run a shell command .ie sh ./"filename"
and it will install. I would run it as ROOT and place the file in your installation directory FIRST (/usr/local is good).

You will run through the script, answering questions and then it will be done. Then if you look in your directory, you will find the directory in there with the installation.

This is a binary file, so there is no reason to ./configure or do a "make" on it...just install it.

If you cruise the installation, you will find in the directory /plugins/i686/"" This is the file that you want to make a sym link to into your Mozilla /plugins/ folder.

To make it work, and here is the trick...DO IT FROM YOUR HOME DIRECTORY USING THE FULL PATHS (which I'm not sure will have to look at it first...but it would be something like this, substituting the ACTUALL directory paths from my example:

[your home]#ln -s /usr/local/java 1.4.1/plugin/i386/" /usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1/plugins

Then exit and exit...

Open Mozilla and you should see Java registered on the help/plugins menu.

1.4.1 was compiled on GCC 2.95 as was Mozilla 1.2.1. It will work.

1.4.2 was compiled on GCC 3.2.2 as was Mozilla 1.4. It should work.

1.4.2 I THINK provides the plugin file in TWO forms, one for 2.95 and one for 3.2.2....use the appropriate one.

Don't worry about the Java Web Start program can do that later or ignore it.

If you gleen what I have said and READ THE instructions closely, it is really simple. After a few false ones, like you are going through, I got it and can now install without problems in about a minute. What they missed on the instructions is to run the shell script file IN THE INSTALLATION DIRECTORY. And I don't mean just FROM the directory...I mean PUT THE FILE THERE ALSO FIRST.

After the installation, you can dump the file.

Of course writing to and moving files from and to the /usr/local directory will need Root priviledges.

I hope someone corrects my memory...if I were home I would write out the EXACT procedure for you.

I even made a little cheat sheet for myself that I use as a checklist (for not only that, but a lot of things).

Start over...dump the files you installed and start over.

The reason the rpm you installed doesn't think it's there is because the database needs to be updated. you can do this with an rpm's in the man page for updating the database....after that, you can remove it with the -e option. If you wait long enough, the database will be updated anyway does it usually about once a day.

Hope any of this long thing helped


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