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Old 04-26-2007, 12:21 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2007
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Unhappy RH9 cannot burn to or retrieve files from a DVD+RW.

Hi Everyone,

I running Red Hat Linux 9, when I insert a DVD into my combo drive, it does not auto mounted; no problems for CDs. I did some research which stated this rpm package is important for DVD manipulation (DVD+rw-tools), however i’m not sure if this package is resident on my system or the installation disks. I can insert a blank DVD and the File Management window opens (blank). I’ll attempt to drag files to this windows, it states that it’s burning the files. But upon completion no files are present on the DVD and plus, if I type df at the command prompt, my DVD drive is not mounted. Please reply back!
Old 04-26-2007, 12:35 PM   #2
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First RHL9 is out of date and not supported any longer, please update to a modern supported Linux OS. if staying with the Red Hat family consider CentOS or Fedora Core. Here is a link to the older unsupported versions of Fedora Core and RHL if your planning on keeping this ancient RHL9;

You can check if the dvd+rw-tool package is installed or not by typing; rpm -qa dvd+rw-tools

One does not burn any media via the drag and drop method but rather via tools like k3b and such. This is not Microsoft's Vista and the media once burned correctly can be read by other operating systems.


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