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Old 10-12-2004, 08:09 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 13

Rep: Reputation: 0
Redirecting mplayer output

I have some small mpgs that were filmed with a digital camera. The problem is that the bozo holding the camera held it in portrait, rather than landscape orientation, so I need to rotate the mpgs.

After reading some mplayer docs I tried the following:

mplayer -vf rotate=1 portrait.mpg>landscape.mpg
which rotates the mpg fine, but displays the result on the screen rather than saving it on disk. I do end up with a file named landscape.mpg, but it contains only the text output from mplayer, not the mpg itself.

Am I missing something obvious, or is there no way to do what I want?
Old 10-12-2004, 08:42 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Seattle, WA USA
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do a mplayer -vo help to see what your video output options are. You probably want to use something like yuv4mpeg as your output device.

This all exists in the mjpegtools man page, but here it is below:

Decoding streams with mplayer
       Decoding the streams with mplayer is a nice way of bringing every video
       that mplayer can play back to something you can edit or encode directly
       to  a  mpeg  video  with the mjpegtools. This method works with mplayer
       1.0pre2 or newer

       >mkfifo stream.yuv

       >mplayer -nosound -noframedrop -vo yuv4mpeg anyfile.mpg &

       >cat stream.yuv | yuv2lav -o mjpeg_wo.avi

       >mplayer -vo null -ao pcm -aofile anyfile.wav anyfile.mpg

       Now you have for example a mjpeg encoded AVI without sound.  The  sound
       will be in anyfile.wav. Now you can choose if you want to add the sound
       to the AVI with lavaddwav and edit the file and encode it.
 You can also use instead of yuv2lav, mpeg2enc or any  other  tool  from
       the mjpeg tools so your command might also look like that:

       >  cat  stream.yuv  | yuvdenoise | yuvscaler -o SVCD | mpeg2enc -f 4 -o

       And cat the wav file into mp2enc to encode it to  MP2  audio.  The  -vo
       yuv4mpeg  option  works  well  with  other input types mentioned in the
       mplayer documentation.


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