I'm a newbie here so if it seems like I'm trying to teach my grandmother how to suck eggs then just say. Have you tried the following .....
during memory test take note of the memory that is displayed and divide that number by 1024.
Round this number down to be on the safe side and take away a meg for example my machine reports 196 blah / 1024 gives me 192 blah - 1 = 191MB
when installing type the following
linux mem=exactmap mem=640K@0 mem=191M@1M
This should be more or less spot on for your actual memory
I only just got my ProLiant 5000 running on Sunday and had been trying on and off for a week perusing web sites galore but the following worked for me
Insert SmartStart when you turn the machine on
Perform system erase
When it asks what OS you want to install pick SCO 2.xx
Let it do it's thing
Configure RAID controller
Let it do it's thing
When it comes to reboot time pop in your RH CD
type "linux mem=exactmap mem=640K@0 mem=191M@1M" at the prompt (for my 192Mb machine)
When you get to partitioning don't erase all partitions as this will scrub the 36 Meg CMOS partition if I remeber rightly
Pick LILO as the boot loader and specifiy addtional parameters as "mem=exactmap mem=640K@0 mem=191M@1M" (for my 192Mb machine)
Pick your packages
Hey presto I am Windowless
I found that if I used GRUB my machine was so slow it was unusable so I tried LILO and it worked fine. I think when you reboot after telling RH directly at install and then use GRUB GRUB cannot see past the 16Mb barrier. By using LILO and specifying these parameters at install it passes these through on first boot whereas with my machine GRUB couldn't see past the 16Mb barrier and I automatically thought my machine couldn't hack it.