Hey fellow Linux users, have a little dilemnae here, on my BOX a Compaq deskpro 2000/166 , I installed Rhat 7.3 over my trusty old Rhat 6.0 I fits my Hdrive ok (3gig) But,ICANT get SNDconFIG to operate/recognize my SOUNDBLASTER 16 CARD.
It always worked FINE on old Rhat 6.0 ,could play CDs , sound effects worked.
But what gives with this Funkiness with Rhat7.3 ,Could it be that My CPU is 166 ???? , <my 7.3 Distro from DUMMIES book says on Back Cover 200m mhz , as listed on SYSTem REQuirements.
Do want to experience a NEWR distro ,but might be forced to go back to 6.0 and (blahh-Windows) .
Thankxx, chilibowl