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Old 02-14-2014, 01:33 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2012
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record my desktop sound issue

Ello, i was using kazam to record my tutorials but when i would try to fast forward the saved movie, it would lose all sound and video. So i switched to record my desktop. it works greast except for one issue. On the 2 videos i have made, sound works untill roughly the last minute or so and then it goes out, video still works but audio is gone. It is always the last minute or so. I have ran it through with out fast forwarding or skipping to anything... just stops audio dead in its tracks.. no pun intended haha


Maybe i have to use audacity to record voice then use openshot to piece it together...

Last edited by LT72884; 02-14-2014 at 01:38 PM.
Old 02-14-2014, 01:42 PM   #2
MX Linux
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You didn't mention your frames per second or anything, but I've found in a more limited hardware environment that there can be sync problems between the audio and the video, as in the audio actually finishes and its all there, but its slightly faster than the video portion, so the video keeps playing until its done. I don't have a solution, other than what you suggested, recording audio separately.

I've also had some luck converting the ogv video to mp4 before editing. YMMV.

alternately, at least in kdenlive, you could separate the audio from the video, then apply an effect to the audio side to stretch the audio out. If you can get the timing to work out, its not too bad.

In recordmydesktop, I've found that if I try to encode on the fly, the sync problem is worse.

All this is of course assuming your problem is a sync issue and not some sort of clipping at the end of your vids.
Old 02-14-2014, 02:16 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by dolphin_oracle View Post
You didn't mention your frames per second or anything, but I've found in a more limited hardware environment that there can be sync problems between the audio and the video, as in the audio actually finishes and its all there, but its slightly faster than the video portion, so the video keeps playing until its done. I don't have a solution, other than what you suggested, recording audio separately.

I've also had some luck converting the ogv video to mp4 before editing. YMMV.

alternately, at least in kdenlive, you could separate the audio from the video, then apply an effect to the audio side to stretch the audio out. If you can get the timing to work out, its not too bad.

In recordmydesktop, I've found that if I try to encode on the fly, the sync problem is worse.

All this is of course assuming your problem is a sync issue and not some sort of clipping at the end of your vids.
Opps soory totally forgot to mention that stuff. haha. ok so fps is 15 and all options are at the default. I am not encoding on the fly. The audio does not finish before video, thats what i thought at first on this video but it just clips out. This video is 5 min10sec long. On my 17 minute video, same issue, sound till last 47 seconds then it clips out BUT before it clips out, you can hear a skip in the sound and then it says thanks for watching. So right before it loses sound, you hear it skip right in the middle of my sentence and then say thanks for watching and then no sound for 47 seconds. BUT the strange thing is, the audio is in sync the entire video untill you hear the skip... so strange. for a 1min 16 sec video, audio is fine, no skips or anything...

I have 2gb ram ddr2 dual core AMD and ubuntu 12.04

Old 02-14-2014, 02:30 PM   #4
MX Linux
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that is a new one to me.

I assume the skipping is heard in the ogv video that recordmydesktop produces?

My first stupid suggestion is to record an extra 2 minutes of video and see if you can miss the problem. That would let you continue working until you figure out the cause.

I'm at a loss about why its the last minute or so of video, unless maybe something else is going on, like maybe you run out of ram and you start using swap? I have no real idea, that's a wild guess.
Old 02-14-2014, 02:53 PM   #5
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Snap. yeah something is up. i just installed audacity and it worked for a 10 second trial one, now i cant get it to record my voice anymore and i have rebooted 3 times.... something strange is in me house..

ok i will try and get it to work and report back any findings haha.. thanks. ill keep trying. haha
Old 02-14-2014, 03:41 PM   #6
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Ok, fast qstn , with Audacity, do I start recording audio first or video first? Or how do I get them both to start playing or recording I mean at the same time thnx
Old 02-14-2014, 03:43 PM   #7
MX Linux
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You don't have to start them at the same time. I usually start audio first, then video. I stitch them back together in a video editor.
Old 02-14-2014, 03:52 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by dolphin_oracle View Post
You don't have to start them at the same time. I usually start audio first, then video. I stitch them back together in a video editor.
what video editor do you use? I just got openshot, i hope that one does what i need it to haha. Thanks
Old 02-14-2014, 04:06 PM   #9
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Also, i just realized something.. the audio plays back fine until last 47 seconds of anything above 5 min. It could be ram but wouldnt that mean in my longer vids, that the audio would stop sooner? Lol gotta love computers. I know camstudio works fine in windows but not in ubuntu haha. I guess best way is to stitch it together in openshot.. haha. I wonder if lightworks would do the job..


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