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Old 01-07-2009, 04:56 AM   #16
Registered: Mar 2003
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A quick word. Definitely backup if repartitioning drives etc. but even more importantly ensure that the backup eg: DVD can actually be RESTORED without problems before doing the repartitioning. Got caught on this once and have never forgotten since!
Old 01-08-2009, 04:29 AM   #17
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Hmm. I used LVM until the time I installed a new driver(?) version (LVM2) along with a system update and could not anymore get at my LVM1 data. Not funny.

Can one do a meaningful "dd" during data rescues in a LVM'ed system with its stripes?
Old 01-08-2009, 06:41 AM   #18
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Using LVM, it can be difficult when booting up to a rescue disk. I had a problem after I opted for LVM during installing SuSe 11.1 on my desktop. I discovered the vgmknodes command which created the device nodes that were missing. After that, I could mount the logical volumes.

I think that servers like database servers using LVM volumes are backed up using a mirror snapshot rather than creating a dd image. If you create an dd image, don't image the physical volumes. If you did, I think you would need to use losetup to attach a device to the backup images, and then use vgmknodes so that the kernel will recognize those loop devices.

IMHO, LVM is convenient if you will need to add drives to increase the size of a partition. Otherwise it seems to be a pain.

I wouldn't recommend image backups anyway, except for the initial installation.
Old 01-08-2009, 07:00 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by JZL240I-U View Post
Hmm. I used LVM until the time I installed a new driver(?) version (LVM2) along with a system update and could not anymore get at my LVM1 data. Not funny.

Can one do a meaningful "dd" during data rescues in a LVM'ed system with its stripes?
Please open another thread and explain what have you used and what are you using now (vendor, kernel, etc.)
Old 01-08-2009, 02:22 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by JZL240I-U View Post
Can one do a meaningful "dd" during data rescues in a LVM'ed system with its stripes?
No. Unless you dd the entire disk or entire partition that constitutes the PV.

The only thing I ever dd for backup anyway is Track Zero. That contains the MBR (which in turn contains the partition table and GRUB stage 1), and the GRUB stage 1.5 stuff that follows the MBR (but still contained within Track Zero). Everything else is backed up using tar and gz. Or rsync. Or whatever other file-based backup method I choose to use. File-based backups of the OS don't work very well for Windows (if at all!), but they work great for Linux. Imaging of the OS is more of a Windows thing than a Linux one (except where you might want to image an entire disk or entire partition for quick replication/restoration of identical machines).
Old 01-09-2009, 03:14 AM   #21
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Thanks, haertig. And yes, I handle backups like you do. I was just thinking of the repair after a file system crash or of restoring an inadvertently deleted file. Here LVM will be a problem then.

If I really have to change partition layout there is still "gparted".
Old 01-10-2009, 12:18 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by JZL240I-U View Post
Thanks, haertig... I was just thinking of the repair after a file system crash or of restoring an inadvertently deleted file. Here LVM will be a problem then.
If you had open another thread you could have caught more attention. Anyways for the sake of truth see mondo and testdisk.
Old 01-12-2009, 02:20 AM   #23
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Thank you for trying to help me avalonit. But the problem I had with the change of the LVM version is several years gone and I mentioned the thing about deleted files and "dd" just as some basic potential stumbling stones if someone wants to use LVM.


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