Originally Posted by gtjr92
Ok that worked thanks, however it is not exactly what I was expecting.
I was thinking that when I remoted to the box that the viewer on my would look as if I was logged in directly to the computer. 768
Instead I get a low resolution and I don't see the menu just the Terminal and a colored background.
I set the vncserver like this vncserver -geometry 1024x768 -depth 32 :1
If i type in firefox that works I can browse the web and it looks pretty good, I guess My real question is how can I get the Linux menu to display in my viewer?
The only menu I can get is one that had options Like TWM ShowIconMGr Iconify etc.
How can I display the Linux Menu to look the same way it does when I log in directly to the pc?
You need to edit your
xstartup script in the /home/username/
.vnc directory, just jump to the relevant section below.
Hopefully this post will help others with vnc viewer problems
On VNC Server machine with vnc-server installed:
1)Type vncserver -geometry 800x600 (or whatever resolution you prefer)
2) There will be a session number displayed .This will create a .vnc directory in your home directory. (/home/yourself/.vnc)
3) Type cd /home/yourself/.vnc (or type .vnc in your filemanagers address bar)
4)Type ls -alc (You should see a script called xstartup)
<- you don't need to do this if you use your filemanager.
5)Type vi xstartup or use whatever text editor you prefer
<-if you used your filemanager, just click the file and open it with a text editor e.g. kwrite.
** This is where we will setup your vnc session to use your window manager of choice **
Find the section where it says twm & and replace it with your choice.
startkde & (used for the KDE window manager)
exec gnome-session & (used for the Gnome window manager)
startxfce4 & (used for the XFCE4 window manager)
6)Now type vncserver -kill:x (x=session or display number)
This stops the VNC Server so that the xstartup script we just edited can be re-read when we restart the server.
7)Type vncserver (to start the session back up)
8)Type ps ax | grep vnc (check if your session is up and running)