Readproctitle service errors in qmail
Hello everybody i have just installed qmail on FC5 running on vmware.
But the readproctitle line gives me this error message:
readproctitle service errors: ...xec format error
This means there is a problem with the installation.
This error message is generated as follows:
[root@david init.d]# ps axf
1 ? S 0:00 init [5]
2 ? SN 0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]
3 ? S 0:00 [watchdog/0]
4 ? S< 0:00 [events/0]
5 ? S< 0:00 [khelper]
6 ? S< 0:00 [kthread]
8 ? S< 0:00 \_ [kblockd/0]
9 ? S< 0:00 \_ [kacpid]
71 ? S< 0:00 \_ [khubd]
126 ? S 0:00 \_ [pdflush]
127 ? S 0:00 \_ [pdflush]
129 ? S< 0:00 \_ [aio/0]
216 ? S< 0:00 \_ [kseriod]
290 ? S< 0:00 \_ [kpsmoused]
308 ? S< 0:00 \_ [kmirrord]
569 ? S< 0:00 \_ [kgameportd]
2253 ? S< 0:00 \_ [kauditd]
128 ? S 0:00 [kswapd0]
320 ? S 0:00 [kjournald]
387 ? S<s 0:00 /sbin/udevd -d
1110 ? S 0:00 [kjournald]
1450 ? Ss 0:00 /sbin/dhclient -1 -q -cf /etc/dhclient-eth0.conf -lf
1485 ? Ss 0:00 syslogd -m 0
1488 ? Ss 0:00 klogd -x
1508 ? Ss 0:00 portmap
1527 ? Ss 0:00 rpc.statd
1555 ? Ss 0:00 rpc.idmapd
1569 ? Ssl 0:00 dbus-daemon --system
1582 ? Ss 0:00 sdpd
1594 ? S< 0:00 [krfcommd]
1627 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/hidd --server
1710 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/automount --timeout=60 /net program /etc/au 1733 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/acpid
1742 ? Ssl 0:00 ./hpiod
1747 ? S 0:00 python ./
1759 ? Ss 0:00 cupsd
1790 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
1805 ? S 0:00 /bin/sh ./bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/ 1840 ? Sl 0:00 \_ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld --defaults-extra-file 1875 ? Ss 0:00 gpm -m /dev/input/mice -t exps2
1886 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
1907 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/sbin/httpd
1908 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/sbin/httpd
1909 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/sbin/httpd
1910 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/sbin/httpd
1911 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/sbin/httpd
1912 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/sbin/httpd
1913 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/sbin/httpd
1914 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/sbin/httpd
1895 ? Ss 0:00 crond
1934 ? Ss 0:00 xfs -droppriv -daemon
1952 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/atd
2013 ? Ss 0:00 avahi-daemon: running [david.local]
2014 ? Ss 0:00 \_ avahi-daemon: chroot helper process
2025 ? Ss 0:00 cups-config-daemon
2035 ? Ss 0:01 hald
2036 ? S 0:00 \_ hald-runner
2042 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/libexec/hald-addon-acpi
2048 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/libexec/hald-addon-keyboard
2056 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/libexec/hald-addon-storage
2111 tty1 Ss+ 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty1
2112 tty2 Ss+ 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty2
2113 tty3 Ss+ 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty3
2114 tty4 Ss+ 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty4
2115 tty5 Ss+ 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty5
2116 tty6 Ss+ 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty6
2117 ? Ss 0:00 /bin/sh /etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon
2205 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/sbin/gdm-binary -nodaemon
2254 ? S 0:00 \_ /usr/sbin/gdm-binary -nodaemon
2257 tty7 Ss+ 0:31 \_ /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -audit 0 -auth /var/gdm/ 2673 ? Ss 0:00 \_ /usr/bin/gnome-session
2717 ? Ss 0:00 \_ /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-laun 2118 ? Ss 0:00 /bin/sh /command/svscanboot
2179 ? S 0:00 \_ svscan /service
2182 ? S 0:00 | \_ supervise qmail-smtpd
2195 ? S 0:00 | | \_ /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -x /etc/tcp.s 2183 ? S 0:00 | \_ supervise log
2190 ? S 0:00 | | \_ /usr/local/bin/multilog t s10000000 n30 / 2184 ? S 0:00 | \_ supervise qmail-send
4042 ? Z 0:00 | | \_ [supervise] <defunct>
2185 ? S 0:00 | \_ supervise log
4041 ? Z 0:00 | | \_ [supervise] <defunct>
2186 ? S 0:00 | \_ supervise qmail-pop3d
2196 ? S 0:00 | | \_ /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -x /etc/tcp.p 2187 ? S 0:00 | \_ supervise log
4043 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [supervise] <defunct>
2180 ? S 0:00 \_ readproctitle service errors: ...xec format error 2721 ? S 0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /etc/X11/xin 2722 ? Ssl 0:00 dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 8 --print-address 6 -- 2731 ? S 0:00 /usr/libexec/gconfd-2 5
2738 ? S 0:00 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon
2740 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/libexec/bonobo-activation-server --ac-activate - 2745 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon --oaf-activate-iid 2756 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/metacity --sm-client-id=default1
2770 ? Ss 0:00 gnome-power-manager
2777 ? Ssl 0:00 gnome-panel --sm-client-id default2
2779 ? Ssl 0:01 nautilus --no-default-window --sm-client-id default3
2788 ? Ss 0:00 eggcups --sm-client-id default4
2792 ? Ss 0:00 bluez-pin --dbus
2803 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/libexec/gnome-vfs-daemon --oaf-activate-iid=OAFI 2805 ? Ss 0:00 nm-applet --sm-disable
2807 ? Ss 0:00 pam-panel-icon --sm-client-id default0
2817 ? S 0:00 \_ /sbin/pam_timestamp_check -d root
2809 ? S 0:00 /usr/libexec/wnck-applet --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GN 2812 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/libexec/trashapplet --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GN 2843 ? S 0:00 /usr/libexec/gam_server
2861 ? S 0:00 /usr/libexec/mapping-daemon
2864 ? S 0:00 /usr/libexec/clock-applet --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:G 2868 ? S 0:00 /usr/libexec/mixer_applet2 --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID: 2872 ? S 0:00 /usr/libexec/notification-area-applet --oaf-activate- 2897 ? S 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/lib/firefox- -UILocale en 2925 ? S 0:00 \_ /bin/sh /usr/lib/firefox- / 2930 ? Sl 0:25 \_ /usr/lib/firefox- -UILocal 2898 ? Ss 0:00 gnome-screensaver
3036 ? Sl 0:01 gnome-terminal
3075 ? S 0:00 \_ gnome-pty-helper
3078 pts/1 Ss 0:00 \_ bash
4044 pts/1 R+ 0:00 \_ ps axf
Can anyone please help me. Thanks.