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Old 10-03-2001, 08:04 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Knoxville, TN
Distribution: RedHat 7.1
Posts: 61

Rep: Reputation: 15
RAID setup

I'm installing RedHat 7.1 on a 733 MHz, 256 MB machine that has three hard drives. A 10 GB master drive and then 2 100 GB drives to be RAID-1. I ran through Disk Druid and got the RAID drives set up properly. Now, it's starting the installation process. It has already formatted the filesystems on the master drive which is just the root, boot, and swap directories. It has been formatting the /RAID filesystem since 3:30 yesterday afternoon and it's now a little past 9 am. Is this just because the drives are really huge or is this a problem? I don't want to stop it because it could crash the drives or something. Any thoughts?
Old 10-03-2001, 08:15 AM   #2
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I'm guessing you're talking about software RAID..

Hmmm... I had a similar problem this weekend when I installed 3x40gb drives. I used the failed-disk directive to get the RAID5 setup and the two remaining disks were striped and formatted in a few seconds. Building the stripe set on the remaining disk took about 22 hours for 34GB of data in an 80GB playground.

You can see what's going on by 'cat /proc/mdstat' which tells you how the RAID arrays are performing and what they might be up to.
Old 10-03-2001, 08:59 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Knoxville, TN
Distribution: RedHat 7.1
Posts: 61

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I don't think you understood. I'm still installing Linux and it's formatting the drives. It hasn't installed any packages onto the root folder yet. I can't "cat" any files to see what's going on. I"m just stuck looking at a RedHat Install screen with a little window saying "Formatting /RAID Filesystem"
Old 10-03-2001, 11:11 AM   #4
LQ Guru
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If you are in the GUI You can see what's happening if you hit ctl+alt+F5

Once you are out of the X console you can use alt+F1 - alt+F6 to navigate the different terminals.
alt+F5 usually shows the hard disk checking

Use alt+F7 to get back to X


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