I have done lots of searching and I haven't been able to find anyone else with the same problem.
Whenever I create a RAID with 'mdadm', regardless of level (I've done linear, 0, and 5) the command I use is:
mdadm --create --run --verbose /dev/md0 --raid-devices=11 --spare-devices=1 --chunk=256 --level=5 /dev/sd[abcdefghijkl]1
The RAID is build RAID 5 as it should be. However, when I check /proc/partitions it shows under "md3".
major minor #blocks name
3 0 80043264 hda
3 1 80043263 hda1
8 0 488386584 sda
8 1 488384032 sda1
8 16 488386584 sdb
8 17 488384032 sdb1
8 18 488386584 sdc
8 26 488384032 sdc1
8 19 488386584 sdd
8 35 488384032 sdd1
8 20 488386584 sde
8 64 488384032 sde1
8 21 488386584 sdf
8 74 488384032 sdf1
8 22 488386584 sdg
8 89 488384032 sdg1
8 23 488386584 sdh
8 97 488384032 sdh1
8 24 488386584 sdi
8 110 488384032 sdi1
8 25 488386584 sdj
8 137 488384032 sdj1
8 26 488386584 sdk
8 142 488384032 sdk1
8 27 488386584 sdl
8 167 488384032 sdl1
9 3 5860608384 md3
Needless to say, this is quite strange because even the /proc/mdstat shows:
Personalities : [raid5]
md3 : active raid5 sdl1[11] sdk1[10] sdj1[9] sdi1[8] sdh1[7] sdg1[6] sdf1[5] sde1[4] sdd1[3] sdc1[2] sdb1[1] sda1[0]
5860608384 blocks 256k rounding
unused devices: <none>
Then, when I run 'mdadm --detail /dev/md0' I get:
Version : 00.90.03
Creation Time : Thu Oct 30 06:24:46 2008
Raid Level : raid5
Array Size : 7324032000 (6984.74 GiB 7499.81 GB)
Device Size : 732403200 (698.47 GiB 749.98 GB)
Raid Devices : 11
Total Devices : 10
Preferred Minor : 3
Persistence : Superblock is persistent
Update Time : Tue Feb 9 10:03:45 2010
State : clean, no-errors
Active Devices : 11
Working Devices : 10
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 1
Layout : left-symmetric
Chunk Size : 256K
Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
0 8 1 0 active sync /dev/sda1
1 8 17 1 active sync /dev/sdb1
2 8 33 2 active sync /dev/sdc1
3 8 49 3 active sync /dev/sdd1
4 8 65 4 active sync /dev/sde1
5 8 81 5 active sync /dev/sdf1
6 8 97 6 active sync /dev/sdg1
7 8 113 7 active sync /dev/sdh1
8 8 129 8 active sync /dev/sdi1
9 8 148 9 active sync /dev/sdj1
10 8 161 10 active sync /dev/sdk1
UUID : 11a9e009:e79cb14d:87d7e939:1c1cc840
Events : 0.2344210
The command "mdadm --examine --scan" shows:
ARRAY /dev/md3 level=raid5 num-devices=10 num-spares=1 UUID=5289da22:ad04459f:d7beb9e9:1b25e6c4 devices=/dev/sda1,/dev/sdb1,/dev/sdc1,/dev/sdd1,/dev/sde1,/dev/sdf1,/dev/sdg1,/dev/sdh1,/dev/sdi1,/dev/sdj1,/dev/sdk1,/dev/sdl1
I'm at a total loss as to how this is happening, but it's messing up my RAID monitoring since it's trying to monitor /dev/md0 and I keep getting "DeviceDissapeared" messages. Changing the mdadm.conf file from /dev/md3 to /dev/md0 doesn't fix the problem.
Anybody have any thoughts?