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Old 02-26-2002, 06:22 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 10

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R.H. installl now KDE or GNOME?

What's happening is this: I have installed RH 7.1 but when I type startx i get a gray screen with a terminal window, if I exit there I basically get a gray windown with something like XTERM icon. I can never get to a desktop.

Someone told me I need to use the switchdesk KDE command. Unfortunately it says that KDE is not installed. How can I install it? I tried doing a ' rpm -i kde-2.1.1-8.i386.rpm' but it says I need other components installed into the /lib.

any Ideas?

Thanks Noffy
Old 02-26-2002, 07:20 PM   #2
LQ Addict
Registered: Dec 2001
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you will need a handful of packages installed for KDE (critical kdebase, kdelibs), in the terminal window become root, pop in your installation CD (I am not sure which one 1 or 2, try both), mount cd
mount -tiso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
(it works only if /dev/cdrom is a symlink to one of the /dev/hd* and /mnt/cdrom exists on the system, look at /etc/fstab, use
cat /etc/fstab
), now when cd mount it
cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS
ls -l *kde*
it will list all the packages for kde, do
rpm -ihv *kde*
it will install them.

Last edited by neo77777; 02-26-2002 at 07:21 PM.


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