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Old 11-08-2014, 05:43 PM   #1
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Question Questions before going full-linux!

Questions from a windows user before turning to Linux:

I’ve installed and tried many distros before. But this time I wanna turn into a full-linux user. So here are my questions, to save your time.

I need free alternatives for:

1- Internet download manager. Preferably one that opens up a pop-up bar to download videos when captured.

2- Goldwave or a cool sound recorder software.

3- Any Video Converter/Format Factory.

4- Daemon Tools.

5- ZoneAlarm (Or other free alternatives, same degree of ease of use).

6- CCleaner or the like.

7- WinRaR.

If you have any comments or explanations, Please feel free to explain to me If there’s something I don’t understand about the mentality of Linux; the system itself.
Old 11-08-2014, 05:52 PM   #2
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You should search for linux alternatives in search engine. Most apps have alternative on linux. However there may be some exotic apps that exist only on windows.
Old 11-08-2014, 07:24 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by yooy View Post
You should search for linux alternatives in search engine. Most apps have alternative on linux. However there may be some exotic apps that exist only on windows.
I did some research, but I prefer discussion with real people who actually tried things out. I'm starting my own business as a freelancer and just want to make sure that everything is ok before I jump in. Linux world seems really cool and I wanna plunge in.

Do you know some resources where I can start. I mean since you're here on the forum, I'm sure you can help me with my question Do you know any non-usual ways to know my way around the Linux programs? I mean I've had enough with reading reviews and testing with Virtual Machine softwares.
Old 11-08-2014, 07:35 PM   #4
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So what you want is Windows, but for free.

"Linux" is not Windows.
Old 11-08-2014, 07:48 PM   #5
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I am using windows right now for free. It's very common in Egypt to use a pirated version (You can't imagine how common). I just want a linux alternative. Please guys offer answers.

I specifically mentioned that I know about linux to save both our times of explaining to the "yet-another-windows-user" noob what linux is & get to the point.

No need to educate me about what Linux is.

I simply want to know specific programs before I wipe out my hard disk to install a linux distro. Thanks for the comments so far and I hope I get more answers.
Old 11-08-2014, 08:08 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by HusseinMoussa View Post
Questions from a windows user before turning to Linux:

I’ve installed and tried many distros before. But this time I wanna turn into a full-linux user. So here are my questions, to save your time.

I need free alternatives for:

1- Internet download manager. Preferably one that opens up a pop-up bar to download videos when captured.

2- Goldwave or a cool sound recorder software.

3- Any Video Converter/Format Factory.

4- Daemon Tools.

5- ZoneAlarm (Or other free alternatives, same degree of ease of use).

6- CCleaner or the like.

7- WinRaR.

If you have any comments or explanations, Please feel free to explain to me If there’s something I don’t understand about the mentality of Linux; the system itself.
The problem is that, as stated above, Linux is not Windows.
What I use for the tasks you ask about are:
1 wget or axel -- both are command-line with axel allowing more than one TCP/IP session to be opened per download which can make downloads quicker at the expense of the person running the server. There are versions of wget which run in the GUI and allow you to drag-and-drop URLs to them though, if that's what you want.

2 Depends what you mean by "cool". There's Audacity which is a basic GUI sound recorder which allows cut and paste editing, reversing and the like. Then there are things like Ardour which a friend uses to record music with upwards of 20 tracks at times.

3 I've only used Handbrake, which is a front-end to command-line tools as are a lot of Linux GUI applications, and it works.

4 A bit tricky this since you don't say whet you use it [i]for[/]. There are many disk copying, "ripping", "burning" and editing applications for Linux and many are GUI based. I can't give you names as it's not something I use but I would be surprised if there were something you can do under Windows you can't do under Linux.

5 I'll admit ignorance on this point as to my mind a firewall isn't really needed on an OS with no server processes listening. Firestarter can be used for simple firewall management though. Oh, and something like Tiger will tell you whether there are any server processes running (along with other malware-related stuff).

6 Something like Shred will do that and I think Bleachbit is a more complicated and configurable data wipe program.

7 unrar works fine with all the files I've tried including milti-part archives. I've used GUI programs too but forget the names -- I think most archive managers work on rar but only some on multi-part.
Old 11-08-2014, 08:57 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by 273 View Post
The problem is that, as stated above, Linux is not Windows.
What I use for the tasks you ask about are:
1 wget or axel -- both are command-line with axel allowing more than one TCP/IP session to be opened per download which can make downloads quicker at the expense of the person running the server. There are versions of wget which run in the GUI and allow you to drag-and-drop URLs to them though, if that's what you want.

2 Depends what you mean by "cool". There's Audacity which is a basic GUI sound recorder which allows cut and paste editing, reversing and the like. Then there are things like Ardour which a friend uses to record music with upwards of 20 tracks at times.

3 I've only used Handbrake, which is a front-end to command-line tools as are a lot of Linux GUI applications, and it works.

4 A bit tricky this since you don't say whet you use it [i]for[/]. There are many disk copying, "ripping", "burning" and editing applications for Linux and many are GUI based. I can't give you names as it's not something I use but I would be surprised if there were something you can do under Windows you can't do under Linux.

5 I'll admit ignorance on this point as to my mind a firewall isn't really needed on an OS with no server processes listening. Firestarter can be used for simple firewall management though. Oh, and something like Tiger will tell you whether there are any server processes running (along with other malware-related stuff).

6 Something like Shred will do that and I think Bleachbit is a more complicated and configurable data wipe program.

7 unrar works fine with all the files I've tried including milti-part archives. I've used GUI programs too but forget the names -- I think most archive managers work on rar but only some on multi-part.
I'm very thankful for your answer.
Old 11-10-2014, 01:29 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by HusseinMoussa View Post
1- Internet download manager. Preferably one that opens up a pop-up bar to download videos when captured.
Typically Firefox can handle these things. I block scripts and ads and have to allow scripts to usually get content working, but I've not run into problems. The concept of "download manager" may be more unique to Internet Explorer though. I'm not a Chrome user, so I can't offer any thoughts on that.
Originally Posted by HusseinMoussa View Post
2- Goldwave or a cool sound recorder software.
No suggestion, I'm sure there are some.
Originally Posted by HusseinMoussa View Post
3- Any Video Converter/Format Factory.
vlc, ffmpeg/aviconv
Originally Posted by HusseinMoussa View Post
4- Daemon Tools.
Huh? Since I don't understand, don't bother explaining, I likely have no suggestion.
Originally Posted by HusseinMoussa View Post
5- ZoneAlarm (Or other free alternatives, same degree of ease of use).
Originally Posted by HusseinMoussa View Post
6- CCleaner or the like.
Originally Posted by HusseinMoussa View Post
7- WinRaR.
unrar and I forget, there's like a library or set of utilities which all come together supporting rar.

I'd also recommend 7zip, vlc, gimp.

As said, Linux is not Windows.

You're familiar and have installed Linux, so you should know a bit as to whether or not you'd need something to clear out temporary internet files, and so forth.

Last edited by rtmistler; 11-10-2014 at 01:30 PM.
Old 11-10-2014, 03:09 PM   #9
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No need especial alternative for Daemon Tools - just mount an image and deal with it as ordinary filesystem through file manager.
CCleaner? There is no registry in linux to clean it. Temp files? They just dropping on reboot/shutdown. You can use linux for years without getting it bloated like windows.
Old 11-10-2014, 04:01 PM   #10
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Also take a look at

Zonealarm alternatives at the bootom of the list, as an example.
Old 11-10-2014, 04:27 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by HusseinMoussa View Post
Questions from a windows user before turning to Linux:

I’ve installed and tried many distros before. But this time I wanna turn into a full-linux user. So here are my questions, to save your time.

I need free alternatives for:

1- Internet download manager. Preferably one that opens up a pop-up bar to download videos when captured.

2- Goldwave or a cool sound recorder software.

3- Any Video Converter/Format Factory.

4- Daemon Tools.

5- ZoneAlarm (Or other free alternatives, same degree of ease of use).

6- CCleaner or the like.

7- WinRaR.

If you have any comments or explanations, Please feel free to explain to me If there’s something I don’t understand about the mentality of Linux; the system itself.
1. Extension in Firefox, if I am understanding your question correctly.
2. Audacity (not fancy, but lots of options)
3. VLC/OpenShot (VLC can convert, OpenShot re-renders), also you may want to try if the quality is subpar.
4. (for ripping or mounting?) GNOME disk utility/Disk image mounter in Nautilus, Nero for Linux
5. GNOME Firewall
6. BleachBit
7. GNOME File roller, or Ark (KDE) (both assume you have unrar installed)

I've tried all of these and they work great for my needs.

Also, for the occasional application that won't run in WINE, there is CrossOver. It's worth the money!!

Last edited by Ihatewindows522; 11-10-2014 at 04:34 PM.


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