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Old 11-18-2008, 11:38 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2008
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Python installation and module related Question. Plz help.


I am relatively new to linux and I have some issues with running python.

I am working on a lab network computer in which i donot have root permission. I have a local folder with all permissions.

The computer has python2.4 but I need 2.5 for running a simulator. So I compiled python2.5 in the /usr/local/myfolder/python2.5 that I have permission. I have added /usr/local/myfolder/python2.5/bin to the "path" variable using the "set" command. I also set the 'PYTHONPATH" variable to point to "usr/local/myfolder/python2.5/lib"

When I enter "python" in the command line from anywhere, version 2.5 opens up as expected. So I guess the "set path" was successful.

But when I try and run the simulator, it shows an error. The error is a keyError shown below

File "/projects/code/src/", line 60, in analysis
apply(self._log, (ANALYSIS, msg, args), kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/logging/", line 408, in format
s = self._fmt % record.__dict__
KeyError: 'funcName

Now my question is, since I have the PYTHONPATH set to the new location, shouldn't "import logging" in the code import that module from the new PYTHONPATH (there is a logging folder there) rather than the old place (as shown in bold in the error messaqe above) ?

The simulator is incompatible with older version so it would be great if someone could clarify what is happening here and tell me how to run the new version (I CANNOT install the new version as root)

I appreciate your time !! Thanks !!


Last edited by nm_ashy; 11-18-2008 at 11:39 PM.
Old 11-19-2008, 09:14 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by nm_ashy View Post

I am relatively new to linux and I have some issues with running python.

I am working on a lab network computer in which i donot have root permission. I have a local folder with all permissions.

The computer has python2.4 but I need 2.5 for running a simulator. So I compiled python2.5 in the /usr/local/myfolder/python2.5 that I have permission. I have added /usr/local/myfolder/python2.5/bin to the "path" variable using the "set" command. I also set the 'PYTHONPATH" variable to point to "usr/local/myfolder/python2.5/lib"

When I enter "python" in the command line from anywhere, version 2.5 opens up as expected. So I guess the "set path" was successful.

But when I try and run the simulator, it shows an error. The error is a keyError shown below
Well, it could be two things, right off the top of my head. One is that you're running a script file to launch the simulator, and that script file has a Python path coded into it, or does something else wonky with your path. The second is (unlikely), your path statement has the old version of python included first...
Old 11-19-2008, 03:47 PM   #3
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Just to make sure you know what module path the code is using, try inserting the following lines in /projects/code/src/" before line 60:

import sys
print sys.path
Keep in mind that indentation is important in python.

Old 11-19-2008, 05:11 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Thanks people. The problem was, as TBone had mentioned, a script file in the simulator had python path encoded in it and was overwritinq the one I set.

Thanks !! You people are so helpful !!


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