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Old 11-11-2008, 01:13 PM   #1
Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 810

Rep: Reputation: 39
Proper Syntax for If...Then..Else statements with a script

Hi there --

I am writing a script the prompts the user to enter a directory path, and then prompts the user to provide a hardware device file. Listed below is the part of the script that is involved with this issue:

# Prompt the user for the directory in question
echo "Please enter the full path of the directory:"
read path

# Confirm the directory that was entered is the correct one
echo "Is this the correct directory? [y/n]"

# Prompt the user for the full pathname of the destination tape drive
echo "Please enter the full devicefile name of the tape drive: "
read devicefile

# Confirm the devicefile that was entered is the correct one
echo "Is this the correct device filename? [y/n]"
After the user enters the appropriate information after each prompt, the script will ask for confirmation. What I need help with is the correct syntax to use in each case so that if the answer is "y" the script will continue onward, if it is "n" the user will be prompted to re-enter the information.
Old 11-11-2008, 01:24 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2007
Location: San Francisco
Distribution: Centos 4, Debian
Posts: 55

Rep: Reputation: 16
if [ "$read" = "y" ]; then
# handle true case
# handle false case
Old 11-11-2008, 01:44 PM   #3
Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 810

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 39
Hi there --

Thanks for your reply. I inserted the following if...else statement in the script:

# Confirm the directory that was entered is the correct one
echo "Is this the correct directory? [y/n]"

        if ["$read" = "y"]; then
        cd $path
        exit 1;
When I run the script, I am prompted for the directory, but after I insert the data, I get the following error message:

Please enter the full path of the directory:
Is this the correct directory? [y/n]
./encrypted_tar_backup[24]: test: A ] character is missing.
I didn't mention this earlier, but I am currently using the sh shell within the script.


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