Nevermind! I just realized after trying it with dreamweaver that its an internet explorer thing, you can't drag stuff around in the ftp. thanks for lookin.
I've been reading these forums for a while now but haven't ever posted cause i usually just use google to answer my questions, but i can't seem to find it this time so hopefully you guys can help (i'm sure you can). I only have one little problem... Basically I can't drag a file that's on the ftp into a folder that's on the ftp, but i can drag a file from say my desktop to a folder on the ftp. Can my permissions be that screwed up?!?
Here's an example of two driectories:
drwxrwx--- 2 creativeteam ct 4096 Oct 18 13:37 Templates
drwxr-x--- 2 creativeteam marketing 4096 Nov 5 12:34 marketing
I'm logging in with a user that is in the group "ct"
Maybe it'll help to mention i am chrooting the group ct to the directory /mnt/hdd/ftp/ and chrooting the group marketing into the directory /mnt/hdd/ftp/marketing/
I don't know what else to tell you, nothing else is special about my proftpd.conf file besides the lines:
DefaultRoot /mnt/hdd/ftp/ ct
DefaultRoot /mnt/hdd/ftp/marketing/ marketing
Thanks so much!
Last edited by davequaad; 11-05-2004 at 05:33 PM.