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Old 08-03-2003, 10:11 PM   #1
Raw Kuts
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ProFTPd on bootup with xinetd

I am using Mandrake 9.1 and I am not using the RPM of proftpd, I downloaded 1.2.8 and installed it with the default options. It went into /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin and /usr/local/etc. I just left it there, should I move the stuff to the /bin, /sbin and /etc? Would that effect anything?

I configured proftpd so I can log in and update my apache server and browse shares on my windows machines (thanks to the older posts in this forum). The only thing was I had to start it up every time I restarted the computer. So I wanted it to run when the computer was started. So I changed the type from standalone to inetd, and added an entry to /etc/xinetd.d/proftpd. When I rebooted I couldn't log into the ftp. I am assuming it is because proftpd didn't start. What else do I have to do to get proftpd to start on bootup (I am not against using standalone on bootup, I just don't know how).

One other thing I looked at was the log files for proftpd, and all that was in there was the last time I started it up in standalone mode. So I assume it is not even starting in with xinetd. When I looked at my system log, the only error I could find was this. I get fairly late into the bootup stage (right before the stuff in my rc.local runs I think).
Aug  3 18:41:55 rawkuts xinetd[3265]: warning: can't get client address: Transport endpoint is not connected
Aug  3 18:41:55 rawkuts xinetd[3265]: libwrap refused connection to sgi_fam from <no address>
Aug  3 18:41:55 rawkuts xinetd[1125]: Deactivating service sgi_fam due to excessive incoming connections.  Restarting in 30 seconds.
I get about 25 of those warnings and libwrap refused before it says it deactivates sgi_fam. Is something that is stopping proftpd from running?

Here are my conig files:
service ftp
	disable 	= no
	flags 		= REUSE
	socket_type 	= stream
	wait 		= no
	user 		= root
	server 		= /usr/local/sbin/proftpd
	log_on_success 	+= HOST DURATION USERID
	log_on_failure 	+= HOST RECORD USERID
	nice 		= 10
ServerName		"You should not see me"
ServerType		inetd
DefaultServer		off

Umask			022
MaxInstances		24

User			nobody
Group			nogroup
DefaultRoot 		~

SystemLog		/var/log/proftpd.system.log
TransferLog		/var/log/proftpd.xfer.log

<Limit LOGIN>

	MaxClients		12 "%m Already logged in"
	MaxClientsPerHost	2 "You can only log in %m times"
	DisplayLogin		welcome.msg
	DisplayFirstChdir	.message
	AllowForeignAddress 	off
	TimeoutIdle		200
	TimeoutNoTransfer	120
	TimeoutLogin		80
	AllowOverwrite		on
	AllowStoreRestart	on
	AllowRetrieveRestart	on
	DeleteAbortedStores	off
	HiddenStor		off

	Port			1203
	#DataPort		1202
	ServerName		"Apache Manage Server"
	DefaultRoot		/home/httpserver/apache2
	User			httpserver
	Group			httpserver
	MaxClients		1

	Port			1205
	#DataPort		1204
	ServerName		"FTP Manage Server"
	DefaultRoot		/home/ftpserver/base
	User			ftpserver
	Group			ftpserver
	MaxClients		1
Old 08-04-2003, 02:42 AM   #2
Senior Member
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libwrap points to tcpwrapper - /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.
Old 08-04-2006, 12:44 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2006
Location: Lima, Perú
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If it helps, to run proftpd standalone you have to specify so in proftpd.conf:

ServerName "You should not see me"
ServerType standalone
DefaultServer off

Besides, I think that

<Limit LOGIN>

denies any login, so, assuming you want to preserve the least privilege spirit, you could modify it this way (for example):

<Limit LOGIN>
Allow from 128.44.26.,128.44.26.,

Best regards...


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