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Old 09-13-2003, 06:38 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 2

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proftpd configuration ...not so basic...

I've decided to move my ftp server from Windows (War FTP Daemon) to Linux, but I can't configure proftpd to work as I like.

My current configuration of WARftpd is:

I have two groups ('Friends', 'Public') and one read-only user.
Users in group 'Public' have 1:1 ratio access to some directories with 200kB dl credit and max. 1 connection per user.
Users in group 'Friends' have unlimited access to all directories of group 'Public' and some additional directories.
Users of both groups can upload into \upload\$user directory, it means that each user has his own upload directory, which is created when user upload the file for the first time.
Read-only user has the read access to the same directories as users in group 'Public' but no simultaneous connections limit.

I'd like to add or remove users as simple as possible, for this reason I use groups. If it is possible, all users should using the same linux user, thus I don't need to create linux user for each added ftp user.

Is it possible to configure proftpd in the way described above? If not, is there any other linux ftp server where this could be done?
I give the unrestricted access to my ftp with 600 mp3 albums to one who help me to configure it.

Old 09-13-2003, 06:49 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Mar 2002
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Cool, that's a good deal!

Moving to Linux - Software

Being a bit more complex like that, I think you'll find Linux - Software a better home for this question.

And personally, I would go with something else, maybe wu-ftpd or vsftpd

Preferably, of those 2, vsftpd.

I know that doesn't help but maybe it'll point you in the right direction to get it setup on your own

Old 09-14-2003, 06:34 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 2

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can You explain in few words the main differences between these servers?
I've installed proftpd because I found a lot of documentation on web (unfortunately not enought).
But I will install one of others if it can be configured like I described in my post.

Old 09-14-2003, 06:48 AM   #4
LQ Guru
Registered: Mar 2002
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Well, having never used wu, I'm afraid it was simply a suggestion as an alternative. But, if you check out vsftpd's site, you'll see that full scale websites, certainly in need of robust FTP servers use it.

ProFTPD is very well documented, used by many people, and has quite a bit of scalability, so I'd think maybe you could tweak it to work for you as well, but it might take a bit more effort than say, vsftpd.

A few ideas to look at for ProFTPD:
<Directory /path/to/shared/directory>
AllowAll WRITE

<Directory /path/to/anonymous>
AllowAll READ
</Directory> (for Group allowing)

And the bandwidth limit I think will be the roughest part, at least for me it would be:

Hope that helps



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