probles with gcc 3.2.2
I had problems with code not executing and libraries trapping for no reason. It turns out that GCC does not delete the OB if an error occurs. so scripts that do compile and link will fail to work correctly and the timestamp check will fail. It makes debugging hellishly hard. So most of what I was complaining about was due to funny business with the OB file.
GDB aggravates this problem by eclecticly executing code. Break points can occur anywhere including blank space. Sometime GDB will not execute properly, it acts as if I have O2 or O3 optimization. Since I am debugging algorithms I do not set debugging. Perhaps there is a default O2 or O3 but it is not obviously so. the mapping is close but no cigar. For a while in earlier versions GDB did not work correctly at all. now it seems to be awkward. And I have not figured out how to get it to display assembly. That makes some kinds of debugging impossible.