I would like to use sendmail for my forms and e-mail on my webpage.
I'm using Debian (no GUI) with apache 1.3.
I don't think it's the form that is the problem, because I can't send mail at all. All mails ($ mail
anyone@anyone.net) sent by me as a normal user are put in dead.letter.
When running sendmailconfig (all Yes) I get this error-message:
WARNING: local host name (debian) is not qualified; fix $j in config file
When searching on this error-message I found out that my system did't have a "real" name. Debian and localhost is not "qualified".
I've tried to edit the $j in sendmail.cf with no luck, and after running sendmailconfig (all Yes) the $j is back to default.
Q1. How do I give my system a "real name" that sendmail will accept?
Q2. If not - how do I configure sendmail so that I can send mail?
Please help!