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Old 06-01-2006, 11:40 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2005
Location: Hungary
Distribution: FC6 , freeBSD
Posts: 87

Rep: Reputation: 15
Problems with lineseparator when doing cvs checkout.

Hi All!

I need to access a cvs repository stored on a Debian server. I need to login via ssh on a port differs from the standard ssh port, 22. Unfortunately I have to do this from a Windoze client. I tried an awful lot of windoze cvs clients, but each of them have some weaknesses. I faced against two problems :
1. Most of the clients can only use the standard ssh port. I cannot reconfigure it.
2. If a client lets me use non-standard port, e.g 2222, comes the other problem: It can't handle the differences between Unix/Windows line-endings, thus all of my source files I check out from the repo have an additional empty line after each line.

My question is : Are there any cvs options to handle this stuff, or would the client has to solve that on its own?

Any help would be appreciated!
Old 06-02-2006, 03:48 AM   #2
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Not sure about your question, but you might be able to use the unix2dos program (standard with most distros, I think...) to get rid of the extra lines / or just fix the line breaks.

Using ssh, do

unix2dos ...

on the file that has the problem. I'm guessing you can do this recursively on the Debian machine on the whole cvs directory, just look at

man unix2dos

As far as I know CVS files are just the same text files as the actual code, with some reference info inside, so I'm guessing unix2dos will work. Windows will then treat the files better as regards linebreaks, and Linux apps usually can handle both types transparently. This should include CVS.
Old 06-02-2006, 04:26 AM   #3
Registered: Oct 2005
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Hi again!

I found a solution... I write it down, maybe it can be somewhat useful if anybody take a look at my post...

The problem was that I imported my project from a directory which was mapped into windoze. Windoze write the files into that directory, but I imported the files under linux. So my files were at some confusing state --as they were under linux in the windoze format-- before the import.
When I imported them again from my windoze client everything went just fine.
Anyway, I don't know if this would make some troubles if I would checkout them on a Linux client. I haven't tested that so far.

Hope it can be useful if anyone have the same problem.

Old 06-02-2006, 04:31 AM   #4
Registered: Oct 2005
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Distribution: FC6 , freeBSD
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Rep: Reputation: 15
Thanks rylan76!

That also works. Because the code is only managed under Windoze, for now, the method I mentioned is enough.
Anyway, that's good to know about other solutions.
Who knows what trouble windoze will do in the future...



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