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Old 12-05-2005, 09:12 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Yorkshire, UK
Distribution: Mint, Slackware
Posts: 146

Rep: Reputation: 15
Problems with KDE "No Name" Icons on the GNOME Desktop


Just installed Freerock GNOME (the mini version) on my Slack 10.2 System and have a bit of an issue with it. I have been using KDE almost exclusively and thus not too familiar with GNOME. The problem is that icons placed on the KDE desktop appear on the GNOME desktop with a "No Name" label. Some work as they should but others don't. When I try to rename them, the changes do not persist.

I have tried searching around but have not had much success in getting the issues addressed. Does anyone have solutions? Also, can these icons be safely deleted from GNOME and leave those on the KDE desktop unaffected?

Old 12-05-2005, 11:13 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Vietnam (Việt Nam)
Distribution: Gentoo (desktop), Arch linux (laptop)
Posts: 728

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If you want to delete the icon, there is many solution but mine is not the better, it seem to be a trick:
copy all of this icon to another directory may be your home.
write two script.
one will delete the icon, this one will run when you login to gnome.
another is to copy the icon from the backup directory back to your desktop, this one will run when you login to KDE.
I think this trick will work, but there must be something easier.

I use the full version of Gnome.
The KDE's icon also appear on my desktop.
when I change the icon in Gnome, it is also change in KDE since they are the same.
But there is only one icon (in KDE is have 4, so 3 is virtual).
It is the shorcut to the KDE recycle bin (Gnome does have it own recycle bin).
Since I used Gnome most of the time, I don't need to delete the icon.
I moved it to the edge of the screen and forget it.


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