Would like to clarify further on the reply as I am really quite new to linux.
a. Well, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to be $VIPERHOME:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I'm not sure where it's losing the old path, but since VIPERHOME is set to a null value, I wouldn't expect anything from there.
What do you mean by losing the old path and VIPERHOME is set to a null value. I thought I have set and exported the following:
i.e. any reference to VIPERHOME should point to /home/usrname/VIPER/DIRVIPER.
Unless you mean I should have put:
i.e. the space bet the equal sign and /home/..... is removed.
If this is the case and also what you mean when you say:
Note that setting a variable is of the form NAME=VALUE. The bash interpreter is not like other programming languages that consider whitespace insignificant.
which means I should not allow any white space bet my equal sign and VALUE.
This means most probably my .bash_profile has errors due to the white space.
Would appreciate clarification. Thanks.