Please bear with me, I'm *very* new to Linux and not sure how to work a lot of this.
I''m trying to rip an audio CD into .mp3 format, using grip v. 3.1.4 on SuSe 9.1.
Grip is pulling the album/band/track names quite nicely, and will rip them to .wav. When I try to use 'rip+encode', I get that nasty 'invalid encoder executable, check your encoder config'.
I've tried each option under Config/Encode/Encoder. Only one option, I believe FLAC, worked -- but created a garbled, non-functioning .mp3.
I have looked in other areas and heard that LAME was a good way to go; however that's not working either, and I've very little clue how to check which version of LAME I'm using or how to upgrade it.
This is one instance where my boyfriend can't help -- he's never used it himself. I promise to give as much detail as you ask, if you tell me how to get it
~Kyrthira Phelan